Samurai (John 15:13)

I love studying about the Japanese samurai. Being of Japanese ancestry, one might assume that I would naturally be interested in samurai. However, there are many aspects of Japanese culture that hold no interest for me. What is it about the samurai that I find so appealing?


My martial arts background drew me to the swordplay and weaponry expertise. My fascination with history drew me to the complex tales of warfare strategy and intrigue. My love of art led me to explore their skills with poetry, calligraphy, and the tea ceremony. But it was the discipline and singled minded devotion to their lords that continues to appeal and impress me.


Samurai literally means to serve the nobility. For centuries, they were the warrior class that protected the nobility. Their fierce loyalty is legendary as depicted in numerous historical accounts, novels, and movies. Above all, a samurai swore absolute loyalty to their lord, willing to die for him. I always marveled at the bravery of these men with unquestioning loyalty to the death.


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13 (KJV)


Is my loyalty to my Lord Jesus as unwavering as the samurai to their lords? I would like to think so but more often than not, I fail. I do not always obey the commands of Jesus. I lack the discipline to continually pray without ceasing. Would I even die for another person-a lord, a friend....what about for a total stranger or for someone who hates me?


I would not make a good samurai. Am I a good Christian? I will never be good enough. This is why God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live and die on the Cross and be resurrected. When I became a Christian, Jesus Christ became my Lord and Savior. He died for me so that I would be saved from my sins. He showed the greatest love and devotion to me, not His Lord, but to someone He calls His friend.


Lord Jesus, help me to become more like You.


Praise be to God for His love and mercy to me.


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.